Register for Margaret P. Addicks Memorial Blood Drive, April 13

Peg Addicks CoffeePond headshot

In honor of National Blood Donor Month, Gunn Gives Back, the student-led community service club at The Frederick Gunn School, is asking community members to register for the annual Margaret P. Addicks Memorial Blood Drive, which will be held on Sunday, April 13, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Thomas S. Perakos Arts and Community Center on campus. Qualified students, faculty, parents, and community members are all invited and encouraged to participate in this event honoring former faculty member Margaret P. Addicks for her 45 years of service to the school and the town of Washington. 

Walk-ins are welcome at the blood drive, but appointments are strongly encouraged. Registration is now open. Please use this link to schedule your appointment online. Donors can also save time by completing the American Red Cross Rapid Pass. 

Frederick Gunn School students age 17 and older who meet the Red Cross eligibility requirements will be invited to donate blood with a parent’s permission. Adults, including Gunn faculty, parents, and community members from Washington and surrounding areas, are welcome to participate. For general questions about donating and eligibility, please contact the Red Cross at (866) 236-3276 or visit

Student volunteers led by Gunn Gives Back are working with the American Red Cross of Connecticut to prepare for the event, and to learn about the process and impact of blood drives. “We’ve heard astounding facts about the unrelenting need for blood in the state of Connecticut, and we hope that our  community’s efforts, albeit relatively small, will have a profound effect on those in need,” said Jen Hart, a member of the History Department faculty and manager of the blood drive. 

According to the Red Cross, every two seconds, someone in America needs blood or platelets. These transfusions are essential in the treatment of trauma patients, as well as the treatment of cancer, organ and bone marrow transplants, and those undergoing cardiovascular and orthopedic surgeries. One donation can help save more than one life.

Peg Addicks, as she was known to all, passed away in 2010. In addition to her work at Gunn, she was active in the town, serving as a member of the Washington Cemetery Association, the Republican Town Committee, the Washington Garden Club, the Village Improvement Society, the Zoning Board of Appeals and other civic organizations.

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2025 Margaret P Addicks Memorial Blood Drive Poster