Join the Parents Council!

All Frederick Gunn School parents are invited to join the Parents Council by volunteering for one or more of our subcommittees: Faculty Appreciation, Student Life, and Parents Fund. You can participate from a distance or join in person for key events. 


Volunteers help raise funds for the school by talking to fellow parents about the importance of parent giving and soliciting donations during our fall and spring phonathons on campus.


Volunteers help acknowledge and thank faculty and staff members for their hard work by organizing weekly snacks and coffee hours, holiday goody bags, pop-up celebrations, and other small gifts or activities. 


Volunteers help enrich the out-of-classroom experience for students by supporting the Dean of Students Office with student life activities, competitions, exam care packages, and more. Food is usually involved!
Parents are welcome to join at any time throughout the year. If you would like to join the Parents Council, please fill out the interest form or email 
Day Student and Local Families Network
The network enables local parents and families to connect with each other. Through the network, you can receive emails from other parents and choose to respond either directly to the individual or to the entire group. To join, please click here.