Student Publications

The Highlander

The Highlander newspaper has invigorated the campus and covered the lives and experiences of Highlanders since its establishment in 1935. It is produced by a student editorial staff during trimester-length classes throughout the school year. The Highlander newspaper has expanded into the digital realm as well, with the staff organizing and executing the Highlander News Network and Highlander News Podcast. (These digital formats are available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.)

The Stray Shot

Our literary magazine, the Stray Shot, was first published in March 1884. It was named for a regular column delineating the arbitrary, funny, off-the-mark events and utterances of school and classroom life (like the Civil War cannon shots which went astray). In the beginning it was a school newspaper, a literary journal, a town newspaper, an alumni magazine, and a yearbook and was published 10 months a year. It continued to be published four times a year as a literary magazine until 1955. It became the annual magazine it is currently in 1956. Students can submit art, photography, poetry and fiction to the Stray Shot.

The Red & Gray

The Red & Gray is our school yearbook. Inaugurated in 1912, it has always been a student-produced publication and is currently also a yearlong class for credit.